I know, I know, again with the eggs? But I can't help it. I will eat eggs for breakfast lunch AND dinner just about any chance I have lately. And why not? They give you protein, are easy to make, and just taste so ding dang good. Especially when you pair them up with some spicy salsa fresca! Holy cow they are good, and perfect for a quick Weekday Supper hong kong homes for rent.
I have been on a salsa kick lately too. I can't tell you how many batches of this salsa fresca I have made in the last couple of weeks. I made it because I love salsa with my eggs, so I had been eating it for a few days before I decided to share some with Kevin. Why so stingy 24 volt dc motors? Well because I knew he would love it and I was feeling a bit hoardish. Kinda like a 5 year old "Mine....mine....mine!" And sure enough, as soon as he tasted it he started shoveling it in with both hands. He even threw some in a tupperware container to take to work with him. I guess I should be flattered right? Ya, get over it Bobbi kangertech box mod!
Then my son and his fiance came over to visit with our new granddaughter (insert appropriate gramdmotherish oohing, aahhhing, and plain squealing). OK, we must pause for just a minute to allow me to gush or I might just explode! Allow me to show off the most gorgeous baby girl on the planet (nothing personal if you have a baby, I am just kinda partial to this one).
OK, I will gather myself together. Ummm where were we? Oh yes, salsa. So the kiddos came over and I had them try the salsa. Again the same reaction. It was a good thing that I had put some in an old salsa jar in the fridge or I think it would have all been devoured right there before my eyes!
But the salsa is just part of the equation here folks. When you combine the fresh salsa, with a bit of melted cheese, and the creamy eggs? OhhEmmmGeeee heaven in a little ramekin! I currently am eating this every single day. Which I am sure doesn't surprise you since you know I get a bit food obsessed. But I am not blowing smoke here. You must give this a try. It is quick, easy, and oooohhhhh sooooooo good. The perfect light weekday supper!